Jani Leinonen’s McJesus is included in the exhibition Línies Vermelles – Censorship in the Tatxo Benet Collection at La Panera Art Center in Lleida, Catalonia.
The exhibition brings together a selection of pieces from the Tatxo Benet Censored collection that all have, at some point, been banned for political, religious, or moral reasons. The show aims not only to influence the visualization of the atrocities that, for various reasons, have been hidden in different parts of the world, yet to visualize, as a challenge, the censorship itself as an atrocity. More than a ghost from the old totalitarian regimes or the remote Holy Inquisition, the complexity that censorship presents in contemporary societies makes it necessary to refine our understanding of its multitude of faces.
A good part of the works that can be seen in La Panera has been censored for religious reasons, including Jani Leinonen’s McJesus, which was removed from the Haifa Museum in Israel last year as a result of violent protests by the Christian community.
The exhibition is on display from September 26, 2020 -January 10, 2021.
Read more about the exhibition at: www.lapanera.cat/es